Dangers of stroke

Is it a stroke?

Stroke disease is a disorder of brain function due to blood flow to the brain is impaired (reduced). As a result, nutrients and oxygen to the brain dbutuhkan not fulfilled properly. Causes of stroke There are 2 kinds, namely the existence of blockages in blood vessels (thrombus), and the presence of a ruptured blood vessel.

Generally a stroke suffered by the elderly, because of the aging process causes the hardening and narrowing of blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) and the presence of fats that clog arteries (atherosclerosis). But several recent cases show an increase of cases of stroke that occur during adolescence and childbearing age (15-40 years). In this group, a major cause of stroke is a stress, drug abuse, alcohol, heredity, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Cause of stroke

In the case of stroke adolescence, genetic factors (heredity) is the major cause of stroke. Frequently encountered cases of stroke caused by blood vessel is fragile and easily broken, or blood system disorders such as hemophilia and thalassemia disease are inherited by the parent of the patient. Meanwhile, if a family member with diabetes (diabetes), hypertension (high blood pressure), and heart disease, stroke likely become greater in the other family members.

Other causes of stroke are foods with high levels of bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein) is very high. Koleserol this evil there is a lot on junk food, or fast food. In addition, other causes of stroke is a lazy habit of exercise and movement, a lot of drinking alcohol, smoking, use of narcotic and addictive substances, much less rest time, and prolonged stress. Rupture of blood vessels are also often caused by disease of high blood pressure (hypertension).

Symptoms of stroke

Early symptoms of stroke usually dizziness, head seemed to spin (like vertigo disease), then followed with a speech impairment and mouth muscles move. Other symptoms are tergangguanya taste sensor (can not feel anything, such as pinched or pricked needles) and the body feels paralyzed side, and with no reflex movement. Often also occur suddenly blind or blurred vision (due to blood supply and oxygen to the eye is greatly reduced), disturbance of taste in the mouth system and the muscles of the mouth (so often encountered people with a wry face), paralysis of the muscles of the body, and disruption system memory and emotion. Often some people can not stop crying because of the paralysis of the brain controls the emotions system. It makes people act like a stroke patient psychiatric illness, but it's not. Things like this that need to be understood by the patient's family.
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The Importance of Sleep for the Body

The Importance of Sleep for the Body, Humans need a break to sleep. You know that you feel refreshed after sleeping at night. But why so?

Basically, the amount you need decreases with age. A newborn can sleep 20 hours a day. At the age of 4 years, the average is 12 hours a day. At age 10, the average drops to 10 hours a day. And the adults seem to need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night. This is the average, and also subjective. You, for instance, may know how many average sleep you need at night to feel the best.

Did something important happen during sleep? Growth hormone in children released during sleep, and chemicals essential for the immune system released during sleep. You can become more susceptible to disease if you do not get enough sleep, and child growth could be hampered by lack of sleep.

Nobody really knows why we sleep, but there are all sorts of theories, including these:

   1. Sleep gives the body a chance to repair muscles and other tissues, replace dead cells, and so on.
   2. Sleep gives the brain a chance to organize and archive memory. Dreams are considered some people become part of the process.
   3. Sleeping reduce our energy consumption. Because we can not do anything in dark conditions, we can also "turn off" and save energy.
   4. Sleep may be a way of filling the brain.

A good way to understand why your sleep is to see what happens when we do not get enough:

    * As you know if you ever stayed up late, spend one night with no sleep is not fatal. A person generally will be angry the next day and will become easily tired or will be really annoyed because adrenaline.
    * If someone spent two nights to sleep it gets worse. The concentration of the more difficult and much more attention span. Errors is increasing.
    * After three days, someone will begin to hallucinate and not be able to think clearly. By continuing to awake a person can lose the understanding of reality.

Someone who only a few hours of sleep per night can experience many similar problems from time to time. It only takes three days of sleep deprivation, can cause a person to hallucinate. Obviously, if you pass it up to long periods of time, symptoms will worsen and in time, most likely fatal. Rats forced to stay awake continuously will eventually die, proving sleep is very important. Unless you're forced to stay awake, you'll probably fall asleep before anything drastic like death get you.
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Tips Treat Sprue

Although not considered a serious disease, Sprue if not immediately get treatment is also very disturbing. Especially when we eat, drink and talk.

Sprue or so-called stomatitis is an inflammation or swelling of the lining of the mouth mucosa.

This can be caused from several factors, such as stress, wounds in mouth, food allergies, menstrual cycle, too many take antibiotics or acid.

Areas that could be affected by canker sores including the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips and palate. Also thrush can also cause bleeding, swelling and a red color.

Actually there is a quick way to relieve mouth ulcer by using simple materials or we can find easily at home, as quoted from mayoclinic and eHow, Monday (04/04/2011), namely:

1. Gargling with salt water
Gargling with warm water mixed with salt three times a day to heal wounds quickly sprue. Salt content to draw fluid in order to accelerate wound healing of canker sores.

2. Drinking yogurt
Yogurt helps the balance of bacteria in the mouth and body. This will speed healing and help prevent canker sores. To feel the results, make sure the yogurt contains live acidophilus.

3. Rinse mouth with traditional medicine
Rinse mouth with one of several traditional medicines, such as aloe vera, grape seed extract, hydrogen peroxide, plum juice, tea tree oil and warm water with salt.

4. Apply wounds with garlic and papaya
Applying the medication directly to the canker sores can also accelerate wound healing process. Use raw onion, papaya or tea bag directly on the wound canker sores.

5. Try baking soda
Mix baking soda with water that is used as a mouthwash or toothpaste to coat the wound canker sores. Baking soda will help eliminate bacteria in the mouth and reduces pain.

6. Take vitamins
Studies show thrush is more common in people with less vitamin B. Vitamin C, iron and folic acid also plays a role in preventing and healing of canker sores.

If the thrush does not go away until 2 weeks or more, then you should see a doctor. This is a sign of more serious conditions that need to be addressed.
ReadmoreTips Treat Sprue

Type of Illness Disease Dangerous

Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma in itself is one of the deadliest diseases ever to have been discovered by mankind. Medically, Mesothelioma as a word itself means a tumor that is more likely to transform in a fast proliferating cancer which affects the mesothelial cells of an organ, which form the protective thin covering over the organs like heart, lungs and abdomen.
Whatever is the verbal definition given out to this deadly disease, but those can never for sure weigh the deadliness of this fatal disease. It is an absolutely fatal disease which has taken many a people into its deadly grip. The maximum period of survival after the disease has been diagnosed, has come to the most of a year or two. It is worse form of cancer which is not curable. However, recent studies have suggested that if the disease can be diagnosed at a very early stage then the life of the individual who gets affected by this deadly disease, can be stretched till at the most of 5 years. The treatment of this disease is very expensive but the treatment doesn’t assure life but a few more days, to procure the huge lump-sum required for the treatment, people also file lawsuits to cover the huge incurring expenses for the treatment.


It seems as though many Americans are living a life that leads to high blood pressure or hypertension. As people age, the situation gets worse. Nearly half of all older Americans have hypertension. This disease makes people five times more prone to strokes, three times more likely to have a heart attack, and two to three times more likely to experience a heart failure.
The problem with this disease is that nearly one third of the folks who have hypertension do not know it because they never feel any direct pain. But overtime the force of that pressure damages the inside surface of your blood vessels.
However, according to experts, hypertension is not predestined. Reducing salt intake, adopting a desirable dietary pattern losing weight and exercising can all help prevent hypertension.
Obviously, quitting bad habits and eating a low fat diet will help, but the most significant part that you can do is to exercise. And just as exercise strengthens and improves limb muscles, it also enhances the health of the heart muscles.


Now a day’s diabetes treatment has become a common disease among people. It is caused due to mismanagement of carbohydrate metabolism inside the body. Diabetes is identified with the excessive production of urine, hunger, thirst and excessive loss of weight, blurred vision, and delay in healing of skin, repeated infection, and excessive fatigue. Diabetes has got a serous issue of human health. It denotes sugar in blood and urine very excessively. So, when it comes to treatment of diabetes the main concern should be given to control blood sugar, which is main cause of diabetes. Managing blood sugar is the stepping-stone of this diabetes treatment program. To remove the complications of diabetes one must take it seriously and adopt some good diet process or healthy exercise. Apart from doing so some take insulin and any other type of medication program to be cured to some extent. Frequent testing of blood sugar can denote you how much you have improved on your part to manage suitable measure of sugar in blood. It is very important to learn the right range of glucose in blood unless and until you cannot have the idea about the complication you are facing about this disease. It depends on age mainly such as in younger age assuming not much complication is there the suitable range of glucose is 80-120 mg/dL and in older age it is 100-140 mg/dL.
ReadmoreType of Illness Disease Dangerous

Benefits Of Vitamin E

The e vitamin is extremely important for a variety of functions in the body. A healthy heart needs plenty of the e vitamin as it has been shown to actually prevent heart disease. The e vitamin can also help contain any existing heart disease and stop it from getting worse.
E vitamin is also vital in protecting the cell membranes from the harmful free radicals that are present in the body. Without e vitamin, amongst others, the cell membranes would be damaged and this could lead to serious health problems, including cancer. The reason that the e vitamin is so effective against free radicals is that it is fat soluble so it can be absorbed into the cell membranes. The e vitamin is therefore essential for the immune system.
The recommended daily amount of the e vitamin that a person requires depends on their body weight. This is connected to the fact that the more fat a diet contains then the more of the e vitamin that is needed. However, the only foods that really contain any reasonable amount of the e vitamin are vegetable oils, seeds, wheat germ, and nuts. It is for this reason that most people should take some form of e vitamin supplement.
A deficiency of the e vitamin does not affect a person immediately. In fact, it can take months for the effects of insufficient e vitamin to be detected. After years of e vitamin deficiency there may e some detectable damage to the nerves of the spinal cord or retina of the eye but this is very rare. Most people obtain enough e vitamin from a normal diet but it is essential that the food that a person eats contains a little fat to help with the absorption of the e vitamin.
There are a few medical conditions that may lead to a deficiency of the e vitamin and may require the person to take e vitamin supplements. Cystic fibrosis causes a person to be unable to digest fats well which leads to less of the e vitamin being absorbed. Crohn’s disease causes to lower absorption rates of the e vitamin and a supplement may be necessary. Some forms of liver disease can also lead to problems absorbing the e vitamin, especially through the intestine. Of course, as fat is required to help absorb sufficient amounts of the e vitamin, anyone on an extremely low-fat diet will need to discuss their options for increasing the amount of e vitamin that their body needs.
ReadmoreBenefits Of Vitamin E